Halfway there and livin' on a prayer!!!
7 months ago
– Wed, Aug 07, 2024 at 08:58:24 AM
Thank you all so much!!! We are already 52% funded!
Whew! What a whirlwind first week! We've made it to just over 50% and we still have 3 weeks left to go to get the rest of the way to our funding goal... think we can do it!?!
I think we can!!! ^_^
Thanks to each and every single one of YOU we have made it this far. Everyone who backed in the first week is also getting a free phone wallpaper download...
And since you backed first, you'll get ALL the extra free weekly goodies I have lined up for the rest of this campaign too, whoohoo!
There are also some fun FLASH GOAL extras coming up soon, so stay tuned for those announcements!
In the meantime, if you know anyone else who might LOVE this film, please share the campaign with them and see if they'd like to be a part of this project as well! The more the merrier... this is definitely a group effort!
And I so appreciate all of you who have pledged already!!! <3 You're the BESTEST!
Onward and upward... let's goooooooo!!!
-- J. R. Frontera (Jeni) and the rest of Wordwraith Studios
PS: Here are some easily shareable graphics if you'd like to snag them!