10 HOURS AND $442 TO GO!
6 months ago
– Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 07:21:13 AM
Howdy my fellow outlaws!
We are on the home stretch now! Only 10 hours left to go in the campaign, and thanks to another incredibly generous and amazing backer, we are now only $442 away from our funding goal!!!!
We can ABSOLUTELY get the rest of the way there... we have a whole 10 hours left to do it!
This film WILL happen, and it will be totally BADASS!!!
All thanks to YOU! Every single one of YOU helped us get this far... and if we hadn't made it this far... we couldn't cross that finish line!
But it's not QUITE over yet... so let's keep on ridin' in a totally epic fashion right into that beautiful sunset, shall we?
Also, we made our Flash Goal!!!
In case you missed it, we did indeed reach our Flash Goal of hitting $10,000 raised by August 20th... which means ALL BACKERS will now receive 10 concept art/production still downloads upon campaign fulfillment AND a blooper reel will also be sent out as a download and added to the Bluray DVD...
And I'm so excited about this! Personally, I LOVE blooper reels... I think it will be a good time! Lol.
So let's finish this thing strong!! Don't forget to share around to anyone you think might also love seeing this project come to life!
We'll see you on the other side of FUNDED.... ;)
-- J. R. Frontera and the Wordwraith team